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Valencia College Roundabout

The Valencia College roundabout was a project for the college in an effort to increase traffic flow.

Florida has been known for its nightmare traffic and Valencia College is not immune to that statement either. West Campus has been notorious for being difficult to navigate with its many three- and four-way stops. But one of the busiest four-way stops on campus, MetroCenter Boulevard and Valencia College Drive, have been upgraded to a roundabout.

The roundabout opened August 12 of this year and is functioning as driver friendly as possible. It was built with new and inexperienced drivers in mind. Along with the wide berth of the road there are also blinking caution signals, safety speed bumps, crosswalks, pedestrian crossing signals, and more — making it safer for both pedestrians and cyclists to cross the road. While functioning, the school still must put its finishing touches on the roundabout.With the projected efficiency of the project the school is ready to put its new roundabout to the test.

Power in Numbers


Days Under Construction


Sandstone Employees on Site


Acres Developed

Project Gallery

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